Grants for Innovation projects in Forestry Bio-Economy

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Grants designed to stimulate and incentivise innovative pilot projects in forestry bio-economy that transform forestry raw materials and forestry products and obtain products with added value.

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  • Natural or legal persons, regardless of their legal form, classified as: small and mid-sized enterprises and large companies.
  • Groups of private legal or natural persons without legal personality and jointly-owned entities.

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Direct subsidy for a percentage of eligible costs:

  • Staff costs related to the project (max. 60% of eligible expenses).
  • Indirect costs (15% of eligible staff costs).
  • Instrument and material costs, applying amortisation according to project duration (max. 30% of eligible expenses).
  • Building costs (excluding land), applying amortisation according to project duration (max. 30% of eligible expenses).
  • Inherent costs: costs for studies, materials, supplies, travel, etc.
  • Communication and dissemination activity costs (max. 20% of eligible expenses).

Investments and expenses are annual.

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Grant type


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Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
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No tiene atributo alt
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Supporting Agents


Valid from 26/06/2019 12:00 am to 25/07/2019 12:00 am

Scope of application:

Araba - Bizkaia - Gipuzkoa

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This section contains a series of materials and tools provided free of charge by the HAZI Fundazioa Foundation to any interested party for the purpose of providing general guidance on certain aspects linked to the food and wood value chain, as well as rural and coastal development. Please note that these materials and tools are provided for informational and informational purposes only and are of a general nature, therefore meaning they may not correspond to the specific needs or circumstances of each particular case. The provision of these tools is not intended to replace professional advice that may be necessary for its correct interpretation, completion, application or adaptation under any circumstances. The HAZI Fundazioa foundation disclaims any liability with regard to the use of the tools and materials available in this section and offers no guarantee as to their usefulness, update, accuracy or suitability.

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