Over the last 10 years, more than 350 entrepreneurs have shared space, projects, fears and enthusiasm. In these meetings led by HAZI FUNDAZIOA, support is provided to strengthen projects and companies through specialised training, dynamics and exchange.
This year 2024 we have created a complementary space, a digital space: KABIA, where this contact and opportunity to share is digital and 24/7.
KABIA is a digital space to generate community between rural and coastal entrepreneurs and those in the food and forestry value chain, whose mission is to accompany, create, grow and consolidate projects and people by cooperating. A space promoted by HAZI and shared with other entities and agents of the Basque entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The first meeting of the Entrepreneurship Thursdays 2024 will be held on 11 April at the headquarters of HAZI FUNDAZIOA, in Arkaute, from 10:00 to 14:00.
We will have the opportunity for GEMMA FILLOL, expert in emotional and experiential communication and community leadership for change, to guide the session and help the projects to “Create an epic brand, through the power of the brand as a weapon of mass connection“.
In this link you can register to participate in the session on 11 April.
Next 11 April (Thursday) From 10:00 to 14:00 At the headquarters of HAZI FUNDAZIOA in Arkaute Granja Modelo S/N, 01000 Arkaute, Araba. |
How to get there? |
For more information: 945003240 | fpegestion4@hazi.eus
Four more events in 2024
This year’s Entrepreneurship Thursdays will be completed with four more events in different parts of the Basque Country, which we will keep you informed about, but reserve the days in your diary:
16 May “Human marketing plan in the age of AI” with Pat Carrasco. Register here.
13 June “Transform your leadership into a magnet of synergies and allies for your business” with Maria Olarte. Register here.
17th October
21st of November