In the next ENTREPRENEURSHIP THURSDAYS we offer you an exciting journey through your economy, your emotions and your abundance. A journey in which we will be able to establish the basis of the relationship we have with our money and our economy.
Economic happiness exists and that is the message that Nieves Villena, economist, coach and financial educator, brings to this event. She will talk to us about how to live our economic life from a place with less pressure, anguish and stress.
The mission of this presentation is that each participant can experience from their entrepreneurial vision what is the relationship they have with their money in order to create an economic life aligned with their values. To have a vision of finances that includes not only financial intelligence, but also mentality, awareness and emotional intelligence.
To this end, in this lecture we will:
We are approaching Christmas and we want to promote conscious consumption through the products and services of this community.
That is why we propose to create a market to touch and get to know your products and/or services first hand. Through this initiative we propose to generate a digital catalogue to -beyond the day- give visibility to the projects of the community.
To join, all you need to do is remember everything you have learned this year and write a description that will give off emotion.
How will we do it?
Don’t miss this opportunity, take part and let your products or services fly in KABIA.
Register at the following link: GET YOUR PLACE BEFORE IT FLIES!
Next 16th November (Thursday) From 09:00 to 15:00 At the BALENCIAGA Museum Aldamar Parke 6, 20808 Getaria, Gipuzkoa. |
How to get there? |