Fundación HAZI Fundazioa, the body responsible for this website, provides Internet users with this document in compliance with its obligations according to Law 34/2002, of 11th June, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) and to all other applicable regulations, as well as to provide them with information in regard to its terms and conditions of use.
In accordance with the duty to inform stipulated in art. 10 of the LSSICE, below we provide the necessary data in regard to the website owner:
The company responsible for managing the website domain and services is Fundación HAZI Fundazioa (hereinafter HAZI), with Tax no, G-48986137, and its address for this purpose at ARKAUTE (ALAVA), telephone no. 945 00 32 40, contact email address, entered in the Foundations Register of the Basque Country with number F-74.
All persons, whether individuals or legal bodies, who access, browse, use or participate in the services and activities, whether free of charge or requiring payment, developed by means of this website assume the condition of USER, and as such, by means of said access, undertake to observe and strictly obey the provisions stipulated herein, as well as any other legally applicable provisions, thereby undertaking to make correct use of the website. The user will respond to HAZI or to third parties for any damage caused as a result of failing to observe said obligation.
HAZI reserves the right to unilaterally make any changes it considers necessary to its portal and is free to alter, remove or add to either the contents and services provided through said portal or the services provided therein, having no obligation to provide prior notice or to inform users of said changes, understanding their publication on the provider’s website as being sufficient.
The duration of the service provided by the portal is limited to the time the user is connected to the website or to any of the services provided therein. Thus, every time they intend to use the portal, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice given that its contents and respective terms and conditions of use may change at any time. Thus, the duration of said conditions will vary according to their exposition and will remain in place while duly published and until replaced by others.
These terms and conditions of use and browsing regulate the relationship between the website owner, HAZI, as the service provider, and the users who access, browse and enjoy the service offered.
The “” website provides free and non-paying access by the user to a large amount of information, services and data (hereinafter “the contents”) owned by HAZI or its licensors.
The user assumes responsibility for adequate use of the portal in keeping with the Law and these conditions, a responsibility which extends to the registration required to access some of the services and contents provided. Said registration entails completing the corresponding form, on which the user guarantees that all data provided is true and up to date, undertaking not to provide false, fraudulent or illegal information or documentation. When completing the form, the user may have to create a password which they must carefully and confidentially safeguard. The user will hold sole responsibility for false or inaccurate statements and for any damage caused to HAZI or third parties as a result of the information provided.
The user expressly undertakes to make adequate use of the contents and services [for example: chat services, discussion forums, news groups…] offered by “” in accordance with the stipulations of the law, ethics, public order and these terms and conditions and shall not use them, by way of an example, but not limited to, in order to:
All failure to observe the clauses contained in this website (Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, and other contents representing obligations for the user) and in general the legal stipulations in force in Spain will be immediately communicated by HAZI to the relevant authorities, in which case HAZI will undertake to cooperate with said authorities. In such a case, the user will answer to HAZI or to third parties for any damage caused as a result of their failure to observe these obligations.
HAZI does not guarantee that its website complies, totally or partially, with the law in other countries. Thus, if the user lives or has their place of residence in any other country than Spain, and decides to access and/or browse this website, they will do so at their own responsibility and risk, having the obligation to ensure that said access and/or browsing meets applicable local legislation.
HAZI does not accept liability for damages or losses arising from a denial-of-service attack, or for a technologically harmful virus or any other program or material which may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of using this website or of downloading contents either from this website or from others to which you may be redirected.
All notifications and communications between the users and HAZI will be considered to have taken effect, for all purposes, when made by ordinary post, email or by telephone. Users can contact HAZI by:
a) Sending letter by ordinary mail to the following address: Granja Modelo s/n 01192 Arkaute Araba.
b) Calling: 945 00 32 40
c) Sending an email to:
By using this website, the user implicitly accepts that the majority of the communications will be made electronically. For contractual purposes, the user accepts to use this electronic means of communication and recognises that all communications sent electronically meet legal requirements.
All of the website contents, including texts, photographs, graphs, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual contents, as well as their graphic design and source codes, constitute a body of work owned by HAZI and under no circumstances can their exploitation rights be understood as having been assigned beyond that strictly necessary for correct use of the website, independently of whether or not they are susceptible to intellectual property rights.
Likewise, all trademarks, commercial names and distinguishing features of any kind appearing in the website are the property of HAZI and the Basque Government; under no circumstances can their use or access be understood to grant the user any kind of right whatsoever in their regard.
It is forbidden to totally or partially reproduce, exploit, distribute, modify, assign or public communicate the contents and to proceed with any other action which has not been expressly authorised by the owner of the exploitation rights. Any use which has not received prior authorisation will be considered as a serious failure to observe the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.
To make any kind of observation in regard to failure to observe the intellectual or industrial property rights, or in regard to any of the website contents, the user must notify said circumstance to HAZI, attaching the relevant information.
HAZI accepts no liability whatsoever for third-party intellectual or industrial property rights infringed by third parties or by the user.
The HAZI website may content links or hyperlinks to other Internet websites, over which it has absolutely no control. Once the user accesses third-party links and leaves the website, this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will therefore cease to be effective, given that the websites accessed by the user are subject to their own policies.
HAZI cannot accept any kind of liability for the content appearing in third-party pages, nor does it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, extension, veracity, validity and constitutional nature of any material or information contained in any of said links or hyperlinks. Furthermore, the inclusion of said external links to third-party websites does not imply any kind of association, amalgamation or shareholding with the connected bodies.
The information provided by this website is general in nature and is intended for informative purposes only; it gives neither full guarantee of access to all contents, nor as to whether they are accurate, exhaustive, truthful, effective or up to date, or as to whether they are suitable or useful for a specific purpose.
HAZI does not, under any circumstances, accept responsibility for damage of any kind arising from, for example: