Leonardo Da Vinci 9, E5-105 - 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Araba/Álava - España
Sector: Information technology, computer science
Company specialised in the development of applications, that allow the exploitation of data through Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics techniques.
Data Value Management carries out different applications that make it possible to exploit data in order to achieve the following goals:
Transformation of data into relevant information for the decision-making process. Thanks to this, it is possible to know the key variables that affect the different processes, their critical levels, the marginal impact of a modification or the expected impact, among others.
Development of predictive systems. By means of these systems it is possible to foresee the future with precision, enabling the prognosis of future situations and the performance of actions that lead to desired result.
Task automation. These systems enable mechanical and repetitive tasks to be performed automatically by software, so people are able to invest their time in tasks with greater added value.
Data visualization. It allows companies to consult their data in a simple and agile way, increasing their knowledge about what is happening in the business.
Data Value Management is a start-up from Alava, founded in 2019. This company is specialised in the development of applications that integrate Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics techniques, allowing customers to exploit their data.
Since its founding, it has carried out many projects for clients in the industrial sector and has participated in numerous acceleration and entrepreneurship support programmes:
In 2018 Borja Balparda, took part in the entrepreneurship contest of the Vitoria – Gasteiz City Council, winning first place.
In 2018, this project was financed by Ekintzale and after this it was entered into the BIC Araba.
In 2019, the Explorer programme was carried out and Olaia Gomez was awarded the prize for female entrepreneur in Alava.
At the end of 2019, the company made its first two recruitments, achieving for one of them a financial support from Lanbide, in order to develop strategic projects. This project was supported simultaneously by the SPRI and the Vitoria – Gasteiz City Council and consisted on the development of a tool for the automatic detection of the training needs in the territory.
Between 2019 and 2020 DVM, participated in the BIND 4.0 programme where it was selected by Unilever and OKIN.
In 2020 its CEO, Borja Balparda, became a member of the “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute ” (DATAI) of the University of Navarra.
In 2021 participated in the acceleration programme of the University of Navarra “Atelier by Isem”, where it was selected by Multiopticas.
In 2022 it was finalist in the “Bind SME connection” programme.
In 2022 it formed a consortium with Nasertic, the University of Navarra and CIMA for the development of a genomic data sharing system.
DVM works in Basque, Spanish or English.