You will find motivation, support, confidence and security.
Would you like to find out more? Discover how a Community can boost the growth of your business
KABIA aims to support, create, help people and their projects grow and become established. It is a project promoted by the Basque Government through HAZI in partnership with regional
You have an entrepreneurial project or idea in a rural or coastal area or one related to food or wood.
All you need is a desire to undertake a new business venture, learn and connect!
We understand, we know it is complicated.
At HAZI we support more than 100 businesspeople a year for the devising, start-up and development of their business project.
You will find motivation, support, confidence and security.
Would you like to find out more? Discover how a Community can boost the growth of your business
Discover how a Community can boost the growth of your business
Start with me and you will go even further.
Start alone and you will get there quickly
1-Call us or write to us and tell us how we can help you. We will contact you to arrange a talk and listen to you
2-Sign up and participate in the free in-person sessions. We can't wait to meet you!
3-If you want to apply for access to the KABIA platform, the Community for network and community entrepreneurship at
4- Smile. You have already taken another small step towards making your dream come true! Decisions are progress!
La misión de esta ponencia es que cada persona participante pueda experimentar como emprendedor/a, empresario/a cuál es la relación que tiene con su dinero para crear una vida económica alineada con sus valores. Felicidad Económica es una visión de las finanzas que incluye no sólo la inteligencia financiera, sino también nuestra mentalidad, nuestra consciencia y nuestra inteligencia emocional; por lo que en esta ponencia vamos a: